
Yoga Nidra

What Yoga Nidra Can Do For You

Think of Yoga Nidra as a mix of deep rest and meditative/mindfulness techniques. Yoga Nidra is a restful process that supports.

What To Expect In Your First Appointment

These sessions can be virtual or in-person. You don’t even have to get out of bed! This is not the type of yoga that requires any equipment or physical exertion. Yoga Nidra is practiced laying down, reclined, or sitting. You can think of it as a “massage for your nervous system”.

No equipment is required, but feel free to include any pillows, blankets, or cushioning for areas that need it (i.e. behind your knees, neck, low back etc.). Yoga Nidra is intended as an effortless process.

You should expect your appointments to unfold as follows:

  1. Meet either in-person or video visit with your provider, Orlea Alberry.
  2. Discuss what’s going on for you, what you’d like to focus on for your Yoga Nidra session, and how you’d like to receive your recording.
  3. (If video visit) Go over what to do in case the connection drops.
  4. You settle in and get yourself as comfortable as possible, either lying down, in a recliner, or sitting (no chairs that you can fall over from leaning too far). You can close your eyes or keep them open. If virtual you can cover your computer camera during the Yoga Nidra process or flip your phone if you wish as long as you can still hear Orlea guiding you through the process. Your Yoga Nidra experience is enhanced when your physical body feels as supported as possible.
  5. Orlea will guide you through a Yoga Nidra process and record the audio (no video recording) to send you after the session.
  6. Let your experience be. There’s no wrong way to do Yoga Nidra. It’s a practice and a process at the same time.
  7. Time at the end for sharing and for transitioning back to your day-to-day activities. Transitions are an important focus. 


*For personalized Yoga Nidra practices focused on sleep specifically, I would have to record that separately instead of going through a live practice session. The recording may be longer than 30 minutes depending on client preferences and needs. If interested people can schedule a free phone consultation with me and we can discuss how much time the recording would be (it may be longer than 30 minutes), touching base afterwards, and pricing.

Below is a sample video of a Yoga Nidra session with Orlea.

Scheduling and Billing Options

Optional and free 15-minute phone call with Orlea to answer any questions you may have about yoga nidra and working together.

Designed so you and Orlea can decide together if her services are right for you.

New Client Consultation (1 hr): Virtual or in-person | $95 for an a standalone session

Meet with Orlea to learn more about you, your background, and what you’d like to focus on for your yoga nidra session, and guide you through a live 30 to 40 minute personalized yoga nidra process. You’ll get an audio recording of your personalized yoga nidra process for you to go through as much as you like.

Follow-up sessions (45 minutes): Virtual or in-person | $75 for a standalone session

Follow-up with Orlea to see what has changed, what you’d like to focus on for this session, and guide you through a live 30 minute personalized yoga nidra process. You’ll get an audio recording of your personalized yoga nidra process for you to go through as much as you like.

Orlea Alberry

Yoga Nidra Instructor